When are Flows converted to videos and uploaded?
  • 27 Jul 2024
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When are Flows converted to videos and uploaded?

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Article summary

Whatfix Flows are converted to videos and uploaded to a configured video channel during the following events:

When are Flows uploaded to your video channel?Upload status tracker on DashboardSuccess/Failure email notification after upload
Authorize video channel for the first time                            tick                                 tick
Deactivate and reauthorize the video channel again                            tick                                 tick
Generate or Update extensions                            tick                                 tick
Click Push To Production                            tick                                 tick
Exporting content                            tick                                 tick
Manual upload of a video for an unpublished Flow                            cross                                 tick
  • When you deactivate and reauthorize the video channel, all the Flows are uploaded again.
  • When you update an existing Flow and publish it, a new video is created and uploaded. The outdated video is not overwritten. So, it is recommended that you delete the outdated video manually from your video channel.

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