Configure wait time for Flow on Standby pop-up
  • 14 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute zum Lesen
  • Dunkel
  • pdf

Configure wait time for Flow on Standby pop-up

  • Dunkel
  • pdf

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Wait time is the duration of time that the Whatfix algorithm takes while trying to find the element on the page. This time is important, especially on pages that take a while to load completely. If the wait time has passed and the element is still not found, the Flow on Standby pop-up is displayed.

Application-specific default time

The wait time is application specific. The wait time varies depending on the application load time.

Application load time Wait time
Fast 5 seconds
Slow 10 seconds
your title goes here

Some applications might take longer to load the elements. In such cases, the Flow on Standby pop-up is displayed even if there are no changes in the element. Whatfix recommends that you manually set the wait time depending on the application load time.

Configure wait time

Wait time is the product of retry gap and step retries.
Wait time (milliseconds)= retry gap * step retries
retry gap is the time interval between each time Whatfix searches for the element.
step retries are the number of times Whatfix searches for the element.

To configure the retry gap and the step retry attempts for the pop-up to be displayed, add the following script in the Advanced Customization,

window._wfx_settings = window._wfx_settings || {};
window._wfx_settings.step_configurations = {
    "retry_gap_in_ms": 2000,
    "step_retries": 4
your title goes here
  • Replace the values for retry_gap_in_ms and step_retries as required.
  • In the mentioned code, Whatfix searches for the element 4 times with an interval of 2 seconds between each search.
your title goes here

The Flow on Standby pop-up does not appear after a wait time of 20 seconds, irrespective of the custom duration set.

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