Create an alternate Flow
  • 03 Jul 2024
  • 1 Minute zum Lesen
  • Dunkel
  • pdf

Create an alternate Flow

  • Dunkel
  • pdf

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Flows handhold your users through various sequential tasks on a desktop application.

Use the following steps to create a Flow:

  1. Open the desktop application where you would like to create the Flow and then launch the Whatfix Desktop Studio.

  2. Click Flow.

  3. Enter the name of the Flow as you want it displayed to the users.

  4. Click + Add Step.

  5. Drag the cursor to select an element on the page.

    2024-06-24_09-28-58 1.gif

your title goes here

After you select an element, a card pops up on the top left corner of your screen. It includes the screenshot of the selected element with the tip and the description placeholders.

  1. Enter the title of the Flow in Purpose of the tip section of the card and then enter action text and any additional information that you want to provide in the description section of the card.
    Tip and description .png

  2. Under CONFIGURATIONS, choose the desired position of the card.

    your title goes here

    If you want to censor sensitive information from the screenshot, using the Sensor sensitive info under Advanced Configurations. For more information, see Hide sensitive information in screenshots.


  3. Click Save Step.

  4. To capture the next step or additonal steps, click + Add Step.

  5. If you want to add more steps to the Flow, repeat steps 5 to 7.

  6. Click Save Flow.

  7. Go to the Whatfix dashboard.

  8. In the Draft stage, select the Flow, and then click Send to ready.

  9. In the Ready stage, select the Flow, and then click Push to production.

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