Smart Context
  • 23 Aug 2024
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Smart Context

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Article summary

When you start creating content using Whatfix, there's usually an additional effort to configure where you want to display each content unit you create. For example, consider that you've created 50 Flows using Whatfix. Now you may not want to display all 50 of these Flows on the first page of your application. You need to ensure that the content you create is also segmented as per your requirements.

Smart Context eliminates the need to create multiple segments (manually) to display relevant content contextually to different audiences on an application. For example, if you have a 5-page application and two roles, traditionally, you'd need to create 10 segments to ensure that each kind of end user sees only the relevant topics on each of the 5 pages. However, when Smart Context is enabled and you create content, Whatfix automatically determines which content is to be shown on which page. Whatfix does this based on where the Flow was created and certain other pre-defined criteria. You need not do any additional configuration as you create more content.

Smart Context also ensures that if your end user is not on the first screen of a Flow, it starts the Flow from the page or location that the end user is currently on.
For example, let's consider a Flow that the user is launching has 10 steps. The user started the task and is already at step 3 on the application and then decides they need help. When they launch the Flow, Smart Context ensures that the Flow starts from step 4 and not from the earlier steps that the end user has already completed on their own.

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