Why do I get a Flow Failure email when the Flow is running properly?
  • 15 Dec 2023
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Why do I get a Flow Failure email when the Flow is running properly?

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Article summary

Sometimes you may get a Flow Failure notification for a Flow. However, when you check the flow, it seems to be working correctly. Flow failures are reported only when a user has attempted to run the Flow and it failed at the reported step.
This can be due to the following reasons:

  • The end user does not have the necessary role or permissions to see the UI elements on which the Flow is created. For example, an end user with the translator role cannot see the account management page and any Flow created on that page will fail for this end user.
  • For a Flow created across multiple pages, it may lead to a Flow failure if the necessary conditions to redirect to the URL are not met and the page on which the Flow is supposed to continue doesn't load. For more information, see Can Whatfix Flows work across pages and popups?. For example, if you have created a Flow that opens on a page which you have to login to access, but the end user hasn't signed up, the Flow will fail for them.
  • The application UI over that the step was created may not be the same as the one over which the Flow is played. For example, the end user may have access to a different dashboard than the one where you created and tested the Flow.

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