Flow not displayed as Slideshow in the article
  • 05 Nov 2024
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Flow not displayed as Slideshow in the article

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Article summary


You are trying to embed and display a Whatfix Flow as a slideshow in an article. However, after copy-pasting the embed code, the Flow is not displayed inside the slideshow.

Probable Causes

The slideshow of a Flow might not get displayed in an article if the following two conditions are true

  • The Flow is not yet live
  • You are using the Production code of the Flow.

Suggested Solution

Ensure that the Flow is live for the end user by pushing content to Production or by performing an extension update. If the Flow is not in production, the Production embed code will not work.

For more information on embedding a Whatfix Flow as a slideshow, see Whatfix Slideshows.

your title goes here
  • If you are working on a development environment, then you can copy the development code and paste it to the article. This embed will work even if the flow is not in production.

  • If the issue persists, contact

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