User Segments
  • 15 May 2024
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User Segments

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Article summary


User Segments enable you to group users together to deliver consolidated, contextual in-app experiences. These segments can be easily created by defining rules using User Properties.
For example, you can show a Pop-up only to users who installed the app 30 days ago.

The advantage of using segments is that they are reusable across any number of campaigns and are updated automatically over a period of time as the users interact with your app.

Whatfix Mobile has two types of User Segments,

  • Predefined User Segments
  • Custom User Segments

Predefined User Segments

You can target your in-app experience to predefined User Segments which are built with the respective default User Properties. These predefined User Segments are available by default in your app.


Use the following steps to access the predefined User Segments,

  1. On the Whatfix Mobile Dashboard, select an app.

  2. In the navigation panel, click User Segments.
    mobile_click user segments

The following table explains the predefined User Segments,

Name of the User Segment Description
All Users This segment consists of all the end users of the app
First time users(New installs) This segment consists of end users who opened the app for the first time within 24 hours of installing it. This data is tracked from the time the Whatfix SDK is present on the end users' app.
Active users This segment consists of all the end users who opened the app more than once in the last 7 days. This data is tracked from the time the Whatfix SDK is present on the end users' app.
Returning after long time This segment consists of all the end users who have not opened the app in more than 30 days. This data is tracked from the time the Whatfix SDK is present on the end users' app.
Long-time & active users This segment consists of all the end users who installed the app 180 days ago and opened the app in the last 7 days. This data is tracked from the time the Whatfix SDK is present on the end users' app.

Custom User Segments

You can also create custom User Segments that are specific to your app with different User Properties based on your requirement. You can create a custom User Segment with default User Properties or custom User Properties.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.