Customize fonts in Whatfix content or widgets
  • 05 Sep 2024
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Customize fonts in Whatfix content or widgets

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Article summary

You can customize the font for your Whatfix content and widgets. Previously, customizing fonts required Advanced configuration (AC) code. With the Font Customization feature, you can choose your preferred font from a list of options. Once the font is saved, Whatfix applies the chosen style globally to all end-user facing content and widgets. This feature ensures font alignment between Whatfix content and the application where you are creating the content.

your title goes here

Whatfix enables Account Managers and Content Managers to customize fonts for content and widgets.

Whatfix supports the following fonts:

Fonts supported by Whatfix

Font name How it looks Font name How it looks
Alegreya Alegreya_font Open Sans Open_Sans_font
Anton Anton_font Oswald Oswald_font
Arimo Arimo_font Oxygen Oxygen_font
Barlow Barlow_font PT Sans PT Sans_font
Bitter Bitter_font PT Serif PT_Serif_font
Courier Prime Courier prime_font Playfair Display Playfair_display
Dosis Dosis_font Poppins Poppins_font
Fira Sans Fira_Sans_font Quicksand Quicksand_font
Inter Inter_font Raleway Raleway_font
Lato Lato_font Roboto Roboto_Font
Libre Baskerville Libre_Baskerville_font Roboto flex Roboto_Flex_font
Lora Lora_font Slabo Slabo_font
Merriweather Merriweather Sora Sora_font
Monsterrat Montserrat_font Source Sans Source_Sans_font
Mukta Mukta_font Titillium Web Titlium_web
Nanum Gothic Nanum_Gothix_font Ubuntu Ubuntu_font
Noto Sans Noto_Sans_font Work Sans Work_Sans_font
Nunito Sans Nunito_Sans_font

Use the following steps to customize Fonts:

  1. On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, click Style.

  2. Click Font.

  3. Click Change font.

  4. Choose your preferred Font from the available options.

    your title goes here

    When you choose the Application Font option, Whatfix uses the same font as the main application where you are creating the content. The font specified in the body tag of the main application will be inherited and applied to tooltips in Flows, Smart tips, and Beacons. However, widgets such as Pop-up, Self Help, and Task List, which are contained within iframes, will use the Open Sans Font.

  5. Click Select.

    your title goes here
    • The selected font is applied globally to all Whatfix content and widgets. You can preview the changes made using the Preview mode on Studio before publishing the content and making it available for your end users. For more information on using Preview mode, see How to use Preview mode to review content?
    • Font changes made to content/widgets that are already in Production need to be moved back to Draft and then published again for them to be updated with the new font.
    • Font changes made to content/widgets that are in the Draft or Ready stages appear as soon as you configure and save the font.
    • Currently Whatfix does not support the custom upload of fonts. However, you can use Advanced Customization (AC) to add custom fonts to your content or widgets.

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