How to activate or inactivate Whatfix content?
  • 22 Aug 2024
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How to activate or inactivate Whatfix content?

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Article summary

Activating content like Flows, Static Content, and more, publishes them to the application, while deactivating them removes them from the application. On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, activate content by pushing it from the Ready stage to the Production stage and inactivate content by removing it from the Production stage.

Use the following steps to activate or inactivate content.

Activate content

Use the following steps to activate Whatfix content:

  1. On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, click Content.

  2. Click All content.

  1. Select the content you want to activate.

  2. Click Send to ready.

your title goes here

Preview and edit your content in the Ready and Draft stages. For more information, see Understand Whatfix dashboard stages

  1. Go to the Ready stage, and then click Push all to production to activate all content.
    clm_db_push all to production
your title goes here

Whatfix enables you to push selective content to Production by selecting the content units using the checkbox and then clicking Push to production.

Inactivate content

Inactivate content by removing it from the Production stage.

  1. On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, click Content.

  2. Click All content.

  1. Go to the Production stage, and select the content you want to remove from Production.

  2. Click Remove from production.

your title goes here

The content gets inactivated and is moved back to the Draft stage.

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