Understand Whatfix dashboard stages
  • 12 Mar 2025
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Understand Whatfix dashboard stages

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Article summary

Whatfix Content Lifecycle Management (CLM) enables easy content creation and management experience.

Whatfix content or widgets are further divided into three different stages: Draft, Ready, and Production to enable content creators to create, review, and manage Whatfix content or widgets in a more efficient and organized manner.

The following workflow explains the stages involved: from creating Whatfix content or widgets to pushing them live for your end users.

The following stages are part of the Whatfix dashboard:
Draft stage
Ready stage
Production stage

Draft stage

  • The Draft stage is where you create and edit Whatfix content or widgets.
  • Move select content or widgets that are ready for review from the Draft to the Ready stage.

Ready stage

  • The Ready stage helps the Account Managers review all the content or widgets that are ready for Production.

  • In case some content or widget is not ready for your end users, you can move them back to the Draft stage.

  • Additionally, edit Whatfix content or widgets in the Ready stage.

  • Once the content is reviewed and tested, click Push all to production to move all the Whatfix content and widgets that are ready for your end users to the Production stage.
    clm_db_push all to production

  • On the Summary pop-up, review the latest changes before pushing them to Production. Click Push to production once the content or widget is ready for Production.

your title goes here
  • Whatfix notifies you about the availability of the content units in the Draft and Ready stages as in-app notifications and as an email sent to the registered email.
  • You get an email notification for the following:
    • When you move content or widgets from Ready to Production
    • When you move content or widgets from Production to Draft, that is, remove content or widgets from Production
  • You can push selective content or widgets to the Production stage by selecting the content using the checkbox and clicking Push to production.

Production stage

  • The Production stage helps you view the Whatfix content that is published for your end users. In case you no longer want your end users to see particular content, you can move the content to the Draft stage using the Remove from production.

  • You get an option to edit Whatfix content in the Draft stage while the content is still in the Production stage available for your end users. To edit content or widget that is already in Production, click Edit in draft.

  • Whatfix creates a new version of the same content or widget in the Draft stage for you to edit and update by pushing it to production again. Your end users will continue to see the current version of the content. For more information, see Content versioning.

  • Perform the following actions on Whatfix content in the Production stage:

    • Edit the content that is in the Production stage
    • Move the content back to the Draft stage
Stage Actions
  • Create or Edit Whatfix Content and widgets
  • View/Edit content or widgets created using the Whatfix Studio
  • Move content or widgets to the Ready stage for review
  • Review content and widgets
  • Test content/widgets on your application's development environment
  • Push content or widgets to the Production stage to make them live on your application
  • View content or widgets that are live to your end users
  • Send content back to the Draft stage to remove it from the application

List view and Filters on the dashboard

The List view shows you all the Whatfix content and widgets.

The Filter options enable you to narrow down your content search to specific Whatfix content or widgets.


your title goes here
  • The filtered content is retained across all stages of the dashboard.
  • Content and Widgets in the navigation panel have collapsible sidebars that help you navigate to the particular content or widget type that you are looking for. To learn more about other aspects of the Guidance dashboard, see Overview of the Whatfix Guidance Dashboard.
  • Filters can still be applied in the particular content or widget section to narrow down the search.

Use the search bar to find content on the dashboard. Search results are retained across all stages.

Download an excel file containing the list view data of all the content and widgets on the Whatfix dashboard across all stages. For more information, see Export content/widgets list data..

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