How to install Whatfix Studio?
  • 08 Sep 2024
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How to install Whatfix Studio?

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Article summary

Whatfix Studio is a browser plug-in that enables you to create various types of Whatfix content, such as Flows, Smart Tips, Beacons, and so on. The plug-in can be installed on Google Chrome and the new Microsoft Edge browsers.


The Studio plug-in is used only by content creators who are creating content on Whatfix. Once the content is published, it can be viewed in any browser. For more information, see Browser Compatibility.

Use the following steps to install Whatfix Studio:

  1. Open your preferred browser (Google Chrome or the new Microsoft Edge), and then log in to your Whatfix account.

  2. On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, click the Install studio to create content link on the banner.

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  1. Follow the on-screen prompts to finish the installation.
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  • Based on your browser, the installation steps may vary.
  • If you have the Whatfix US dashboard (, you have to use the Whatfix Studio US version to create content. If you have the Whatfix EU dashboard (, you have to use the Whatfix Studio EU version to create content. For more information, see Can I use both US and EU Studio Editors simultaneously?
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In newer versions of the Chrome browser, you don't see the Studio plugin after installation unless you pin the extension to the browser toolbar.

Use the following steps to pin the Whatfix Studio extension:

  1. On the browser toolbar, click the Extensions icon.

  2. Under extensions, next to Whatfix Studio, click the Pin extension icon to make it appear on the toolbar.
    clm_studio extension_pin

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