Language file translation status
  • 02 Sep 2024
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Language file translation status

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Article summary

The languages table display contains a status column that indicates if the file is in sync with the content.
Use the following steps to view the status of your language files,

  1. On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, click Settings.

  2. Click Translations.


The list of supported languages is listed along with the status.

3. For a status that is out of date, click the link to see the content that is missing the translation.    DB_translations_StatusLang

For locales that are not in sync, an appropriate message is displayed. Each language file has one of the following statuses:

Up to DateContent is translated and up-to-date. No further changes required.
AddedNew language is added and the translation process is not yet started.
Out of DateThe translated content needs to be updated to the latest changes. Out of Date status appears when,
• Flow steps are added, moved, and deleted.
• Any changes to the content are made.

Translation content status is updated only when changes are made to the default language (English) content. If changes are made to the translated content then the status does not change.

Watch a GIF video on checking the status of language files

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