Event Filters and Breakdown in Trend insights
  • 24 May 2024
  • 11 Minuten zu lesen
  • Dunkel
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Event Filters and Breakdown in Trend insights

  • Dunkel
  • pdf

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Whatfix Events are triggered when your end users perform any action on the Whatfix content or Widgets in the application.

Your title goes here
For more information on events, see List of Whatfix-related Events.

Events, both Default and Custom contain Filters so that they can be drilled down based on different criteria. You can also modify the Events according to various properties using the Breakdown option. Event Filters and Breakdowns ensure that you are limiting the scope of the Event as required to get granular Insights.

Example: Track the number of users who completed the Overview of the Whatfix Dashboard Flow triggered from any source.

Event: Flow completed

Event Filter: Content Title - Overview of the Whatfix Dashboard

Event Breakdown: Event Trigger Location


The following are the Event Filters and Breakdowns available in Trend Insights:

Default Events

EventEvent Filter/BreakdownDescription
Any Whatfix Events
Event Type
To filter based on the Whatfix events. Example: Flow started, Flow completed, and more.
Page ViewEvent Trigger LocationThe Page View is triggered directly on the application's page when the end user lands on the page.


EventEvent Filter/BreakdownDescription
Flow startedContent TitleName of the Flow
Segment NameThe widget segment in which the Flow is present
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Pop-up, and more.
Flow step shownPage TagsPage Tags added to the Flow
Content TitleName of the Flow
Segment NameThe widget segment in which the Flow is present
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Pop-up, and more.
Flow step completedContent TitleName of the Flow
Segment NameThe widget segment in which the Flow is present
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Pop-up, and more.

Flow backtracked 1 step

Page TagsPage Tags added to the Flow
Content TitleName of the Flow
Segment NameThe widget segment in which the Flow is present
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Pop-up, and more.
Failed to launch Flow stepPage TagsPage Tags added to the Flow
failure_reasonReason for Flow step failure.
Content TitleName of the Flow
possible_actionTo filter based on the possible solutions to handle the Flow step failure.
Segment NameThe widget segment in which the Flow is present
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Pop-up, and more.
Automated Flow stoppedPage TagsPage Tags added to the Flow
Content TitleName of the Flow
Segment NameThe widget segment in which the Flow is present
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Pop-up, and more.
Flow backtracked 1 step and failedPage TagsPage Tags added to the Flow
failure_reasonReason for Flow failure.
Content TitleName of the Flow

To filter based on the possible solutions to handle the Flow failure.

Segment NameThe widget segment in which the Flow is present
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Popup, and more.
Flow closedPage TagsTo filter based on the Page Tags added to the Flow
Content TitleName of the Flow
Segment NameThe widget segment in which the Flow is present
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Popup, and more.
Flow completedContent TitleName of the Flow
Segment NameThe widget segment in which the Flow is present
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Pop-up, and more.
Flow set to manualContent TitleName of the Flow
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Pop-up, and more.
Segment NameThe widget segment in which the Flow is present
Flow auto closedContent TitleName of the Flow
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Pop-up, and more.
Flow slideshow closedContent TitleName of the Flow
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Pop-up, and more.
Flow slideshow closed at Step 1Content TitleName of the Flow
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Pop-up, and more.
Flow slideshow completedContent TitleName of the Flow
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Pop-up, and more.
Flow feedbackFeedbackThe feedback provided for the Flow
Segment NameThe widget segment in which the Flow is present
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Pop-up, and more.
Flow slideshow restartedContent TitleName of the Flow
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Pop-up, and more.
Flow step viewed in slideshowContent TitleName of the Flow
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Pop-up, and more.
Flow resumedContent TitleName of the Flow
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Pop-up, and more.
Flow slideshow startedContent TitleName of the Flow
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Pop-up, and more.
Flow end message closed by close buttonSegment NameThe widget segment in which the Flow is present
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Pop-up, and more.
Flow end message closed by "X" iconSegment NameThe widget segment in which the Flow is present
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Pop-up, and more.
Flow launched as pop-upSegment Name
The widget segment in which the Flow is present
Event Trigger Location
The location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Pop-up, and more.
Flow launched from pop-upSegment NameThe widget segment in which the Flow is present
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Pop-up, and more.
Flow completed with feedbackContent TitleName of the Flow
Segment NameThe widget segment in which the Flow is present
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Pop-up, and more.
Flow completed without feedbackContent TitleName of the Flow
Segment NameThe widget segment in which the Flow is present
Event Trigger Location
The location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Pop-up, and more.
Branched Flow startedContent TitleName of the Flow
Event Trigger Location
The location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Pop-up, and more.
Segment NameThe widget segment in which the Flow is present
Event Trigger Location
The location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Pop-up, and more.
Attached flow startedSegment Name
The widget segment in which the Flow is present
User transitioned to another FlowContent TitleName of the Flow
Segment NameThe widget segment in which the Flow is present
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Pop-up, and more.
Flow loaded as pop-upSegment nameThe widget segment in which the Flow is present
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Pop-up, and more.

Flow with wfx_play_as_popup tag skipped

Segment nameThe widget segment in which the Flow is present
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Flow is triggered. Example: Flow is triggered from a Task List, Beacon, Pop-up, and more.


EventEvent Filter/BreakdownDescription
Beacon shownContent TitleName of the individual Beacon present inside the segment
Segment NameThe name of the Beacon segment
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Beacon is triggered
Beacon clickedContent TitleName of the individual Beacon present inside the segment
Segment NameThe name of the Beacon segment
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Beacon is triggered


EventEvent Filter/BreakdownDescription
Pop-up shownSegment NameName of the Pop-up
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Pop-up is launched.
Pop-up skippedSegment NameName of the Pop-up
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Pop-up is launched.
Pop-up closedSegment NameName of the Pop-up
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Pop-up is launched.
Pop-up closed by "X" iconSegment NameName of the Pop-up
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Flow is launched.
URL triggered via Pop-upSegment NameName of the Pop-up
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Pop-up is launched.
"Do not show me again" selectedSegment NameName of the Pop-up
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Pop-up is launched.

Smart Tips

EventEvent Filter/Event BreakdownDescription
Smart tip loaded for pageContent TitleName of the individual Smart Tip present inside the segment
Segment NameName of the Smart Tip segment
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Smart Tip is launched.
Smart Tip shownPage TagsThe Page Tags added to the Smart Tip segment
Content TitleName of the individual Smart Tip present inside the segment
Segment NameName of the Smart Tip segment
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Smart Tip is launched.
Smart Tip Step NumberThe Smart Tip step displayed on a page
Smart Tip element not foundPage TagsThe Page Tags added to the Smart Tip segment
failure_reasonThe reason why the element on which the Smart Tip should appear is not found
Content TitleName of the individual Smart Tip present inside the segment
Segment NameName of the Smart Tip segment
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Smart Tip is launched.
Smart Tip Step NumberThe Smart Tip step displayed on a page
User closed Smart TipPage TagsThe Page Tags added to the Smart Tip segment
Content TitleName of the individual Smart Tip present inside the segment
Segment NameName of the Smart Tip segment
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Smart Tip is launched.
Smart Tip Step NumberThe Smart Tip step displayed on a page
Smart tip autocompletedContent TitleName of the individual Smart Tip present inside the segment
Segment NameName of the Smart Tip segment
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Smart Tip is launched.
Smart Tip Step NumberThe Smart Tip step displayed on a page
Validation Tip correct inputEvent Trigger locationThe location from which the Smart Tip is launched.
Segment nameName of the Smart Tip segment
Validation Tip error fixedmessageThe error message shown on the Tip
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Smart Tip is launched.
Segment NameName of the Smart Tip segment
conditionThe condition to be satisfied for correct input. Example: email address format, character length, and more.
Validation Tip error shownmessageThe error message shown on the Tip
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Smart Tip is launched.
Segment NameName of the Smart Tip segment
conditionThe condition to be satisfied for correct input. Example: email address format, character length, and more.

Task List

EventEvent Filter/Event BreakdownDescription
Task List shownSegment NameThe name of the Task List segment
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Task List is launched.
Task List closedSegment NameThe name of the Task List segment
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Task List is launched.
Task List shown after nudgeSegment NameThe name of the Task List segment
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Task List is launched.
User interacted with Task ListPage TagsTo filter based on the Page Tags added to the Task List segment
Segment NameThe name of the Task List segment
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Task List is launched.
Task completionEvent Trigger Location
The location from which the Task List is launched.
segment_occurrenceThe number of times the Task List has appeared
total_tasksThe total number of tasks completed
Segment Name
The name of the Task List segment
Task List segment completionEvent Trigger Location
The location from which the Task List is launched.
Segment Name
The name of the Task List segment

Self Help

EventEvent Filter/Event BreakdownDescription
Self Help shownPage TagsThe Page Tags added to the Self Help segment
Segment NameThe name of the Self Help segment
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Self Help is launched.
Self Help closedSegment NameThe name of the Self Help segment
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Self Help is launched.
Feedback sent after no search resultSegment NameThe name of the Self Help segment
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Self Help is launched.
Self Help feedback option selectedSegment NameThe name of the Self Help segment
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Self Help is launched.
Self Help feedback enteredSegment NameThe name of the Self Help segment
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Self Help is launched.
Email provided for Self Help feedbackSegment NameThe name of the Self Help segment
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Self Help is launched.
Self Help openedPage TagsThe Page Tags added to the Self Help segment
Segment NameThe name of the Self Help segment
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Self Help is launched.
Self Help searchSearch TermThe search terms used to search for content within the Self Help segment
Segment NameThe name of the Self Help segment
Event Trigger LocationThe location from which the Self Help is launched.
Search ResultsSuccessful or unsuccessful search results obtained for a search term

Static Content

EventEvent Filter/Event BreakdownDescription
Video link clickedContent TitleThe name of the video
Segment NameThe name of the widget segment in which the video is present
Event Trigger locationThe location from which the video is played. Example: The video is played from a Task List, Self Help, and more.
Link openedContent TitleThe name of the link
Segment NameThe name of the widget segment in which the link is present
Event Trigger locationThe location from which the link is triggered. Example: The link is triggered from a Task List, Self Help, and more.
Link opened in new formatContent TitleThe name of the link
Segment NameThe name of the widget segment in which the link is present
Event Trigger locationThe location from which the link is triggered. Example: The link is triggered from a Task List, Self Help, and more.
Article viewedContent TitleThe name of the article
Segment NameThe name of the widget segment in which the article is present
Event Trigger locationThe location from which the article is launched. Example: The article is triggered from a Task List, Self Help, and more.
Article closedContent TitleThe name of the article
Segment NameThe name of the widget segment in which the article is present
Event Trigger locationThe location from which the article is launched. Example: The article is triggered from a Task List, Self Help, and more.


EventEvent Filter/BreakdownDescription
Survey shownEvent Trigger LocationThe location from which the survey is launched
Segment NameThe name of the Survey
Survey abandonedEvent Trigger Location
The location from which the survey is launched
Segment Name
The name of the Survey
Survey submitEvent Trigger Location
The location from which the survey is launched
Segment NameThe name of the Survey
Survey closedEvent Trigger Location
The location from which the survey is launched
Segment Name
The name of the Survey
Survey MaximizeEvent Trigger Location
The location from which the survey is launched
Segment Name
The name of the Survey
Survey MinimizeEvent Trigger Location
The location from which the survey is launched
Segment Name
The name of the Survey
Survey RefreshEvent Trigger Location
The location from which the survey is launched
Segment Name
The name of the Survey

Custom Events

Event Event Filter/Event BreakdownDescription
Any App EventEvent TypeTo filter based on User Actions, events captured by the Whatfix API, and more.

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