Upgrade your widgets from existing Visibility Rules to Advanced Visibility Rules
  • 26 Feb 2025
  • 3 Minuten zu lesen
  • Dunkel
  • pdf

Upgrade your widgets from existing Visibility Rules to Advanced Visibility Rules

  • Dunkel
  • pdf

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The Advanced Visibility Rules are currently available only to selected customers and are supported only on Whatfix Web. For more information, contact

For information about existing Visibility Rules, see Visibility and Display Rule Conditions.

Advanced Visibility Rules help you control where, when, and to whom you display Whatfix widgets. These rules provide more flexibility and precision compared to the old Visibility Rules.
For more information on Advanced Visibility Rules, see Understand Advanced Visibility Rules.

When you enable Advanced Visibility Rules for your account, Whatfix enables you to add Advanced Visibility Rules for any new widgets you create. However, to use Advanced Visibility Rules on existing widgets, you need to upgrade them to the new Rules.


Upgrade feature is a Beta product. To enable it, contact

Prerequisites for enabling the Upgrade feature:

Advanced Visibility Rules must be enabled for your account to access the Upgrade feature.

Why would you want to switch to Advanced Visibility Rules?

Advanced Visibility Rules offer enhanced capabilities, such as:

  • Displays widgets based on a wide range of triggers, such as other Whatfix content, application data, elements, and more.

  • Provides an intuitive user interface with simplified terminology and descriptions, organized into dedicated sections.

  • Segments content for various user groups through a separate Who section.

  • Achieves advanced use cases without requiring Advanced Customization code.

For more information, see What has changed in Advanced Visibility Rules?

How to upgrade your widgets to Advanced Visibility Rules?

After enabling the upgrade feature, use the following steps to migrate your existing widgets to Advanced Visibility Rules:


The following steps show how to upgrade to Advanced Visibility Rules for a Pop-up. The process is similar for all other widgets.

  1. On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, click Widgets.

  2. Click Pop-ups.

  3. Hover your cursor over the Pop-up segment you want to configure, and then click the Edit icon.

  1. Click Set Visibility Rules →.

  2. On the Upgrade available banner, click Upgrade Now.

  3. On the Upgrade to advanced visibility rules popup, click Upgrade.


    When you click Upgrade, all existing visibility rules are copied to the Advanced Visibility Rules.

  4. After the upgrade, go to Set Visibility Rules and add any additional Advanced Visibility Rules as required.


    After the upgrade, a secondary popup appears to enable continuous evaluation. This enables content creators to use Advanced Visibility Rules, where widgets dynamically appear, disappear, or change based on real-time conditions after the page loads. For example, a Pop-up might appear or disappear when a specific element on the screen shows up later.

    Only enable Set to continuous evaluation if you need your widget to dynamically appear or disappear based on changes in your application. If you are using AC code for your widget’s visibility rules, it’s recommended to check with the Whatfix team before making this change.


    Once you switch to continuous evaluation, you cannot undo it unless you revert to a previous version of the segment where the old rules were applied.

    Use the following steps to revert your widget to a previous version:

    • On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, click Widgets.

    • Click All widgets.

    • Go to the widget that you want to restore to a previous version, and then click the desired version number.

    • Click Restore.  
      The older version gets restored.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Save the widget.


    • If the widget is not saved after the upgrade, you need to re-perform the upgrade using the above-mentioned steps.

    • If you edit a widget's title, content, or any existing conditions before an upgrade, the upgrade uses the updated conditions.

  7. Preview the widget using Preview mode and then push the widget to Production.


    • This upgrade applies only to the current widget segment. If you need to upgrade other widget segments, you must do it manually.

    • Before pushing the widget to production, it needs to be thoroughly tested to ensure it appears correctly.

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