Flow Analytics
  • 02 Sep 2024
  • 4 Minutes To Read
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Flow Analytics

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Article summary

With Flow Analytics, find the engagement of your end users with the Flows in your application. Flow Analytics are gathered from the following sources:

Pop-upFlow linked to a Pop-up
Self HelpFlow added in Self Help
Live TourWhen the Flow source is a JS script embedded in a webpage or added in advanced customization
SiteSee Live option on the dashboard
Task ListWhen the Flow source is a Task List
SlideshowWhen Flow source is iFrame embed or HTML embed in a webpage which is displayed as slideshow
Beacon When the Flow source is Beacon click
URLWhen the source of Flow is URL with Flow ID in the query parameter
End MessageWhen the Flow source is the end message pop-up
ArticleWhen the Flow source is HTML embed in a webpage which is displayed as an article.

Use the following process to access Flow analytics:

If you have the enhanced Whatfix dashboard, use the following steps:

  1. On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, click Guidance analytics.ia_left_nav_guidance_analytics
  2. Click Flows.ia_dashboard_guidance_analytics_flows
  • View the analytics data across different CLM stages.

  • By default, only data from the Production stage appears. To access data from other stages, configure them on your Whatfix Dashboard. For more information, see Get Analytics Data across CLM Stages.


  • For any of the following reports, use the filter to narrow down your reporting to specific criteria.
  • To see how to filter your reports by domain, see Analytics Filters - Domain Filter.

Flow Analytics displays a wealth of information that can give you insights on how often users are using your Flows and at which steps they experience failure.

All Flows

By default, when you open Flow Analytics, you land in the All Flows section.flow_analytics_all_flows

Flow Usage by Day

This section shows you the total number of times Flows were played by date.Dashboard_analytics_flows_flowusage

Summary Report


Report nameDescription
TitleTitle of the report, ie, Whatfix All Flows.
Account NameAccount name of the dashboard from where the report is generated.
Export_From_StageThe stage from which the All Flows report is generated.
Flows PlayedNumber of Flows that have been played.
Start DateThe date from which you want the data to be filtered.
End DateThe date to which you want the data to be filtered.
Filters IncludeAll domains from where you want to see the data. For more information, see Analytics Filters - Domain Filter.
Filters ExcludeAll domains from where you don't want to see the data. For more information, see Analytics Filters - Domain Filter.
Flow NameName of the Flow
Total times playedNumber of times the Flow was played.
CompletedNumber of times the Flow was completed.
FailedNumber of times the Flow failed and users could not complete it. For example, broken Flow, a Flow step does not display, and more.
ExitedNumber of times users failed to complete the Flow due to their actions. The exit count is always equal to the sum of closed via tooltip, navigated away, and Flow transitions. i.e., Exited = Close via tooltip + Navigated away + Flow transition
Close via tooltipNumber of times users clicked the Close icon 'X' in the tooltip to exit the Flow.
Navigated awayNumber of times users navigated away. The following actions are considered to be navigated away: branching to another Flow, closing the browser, browser tab, internet connectivity issues, system shut down, clicking the hyperlinks in the step description, moving to a new page (URL), and more.
Flow transitionNumber of times users start another Flow before completing the current Flow.

This All Flows summary report can be downloaded as a CSV file using Export All Flows at the top.


By Flow

Click the By Flow tab to view reports of each Flow in detail.


To begin, select the Flow that you want to analyze.


Flow Usage by Day

The chart displays the number of times that Flow was used each day.


No. of Times Flow Played

The chart shows the number of times the Flow was run and also the widget used to play the flow.Analytics_nooftimesplayed

Flow Completion Rate

The chart shows how many started the Flow and completed it, as well as those who could not complete it and dropped out in between.


your title goes here

Both charts are interactive. Click each chart to see additional information such as completion rate, most exited steps, and more (by the selected widget type).

Most Exited or Failed Steps

This section shows the dropouts at each step of the Flow. If you hover the cursor over each step, the failure can be analyzed by how many times the steps weren't successful, how many times the steps were exited, and the reasons for exit.



Flow History

Flow History section shows who edited the Flow and when.2022-03-11_23-19-56

Flow Feedback

Flow Feedback section shows how many users found the Flow useful compared to those who didn't find it useful and the users who gave no feedback.


Feedback Responses

This section shows the pre-defined feedback responses recorded for the Flow. Hovering the cursor over each response displays the number of users who have selected those responses.

The Flow was helpful chart shows the number of users who chose positive feedback responses, and the Flow was not helpful chart shows the number of users who chose negative feedback responses.


Feedback Comments

At the end of the page, Feedback Comments (if any) can be viewed verbatim.


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