Flow tooltip flickers or appears at different position
  • 30 Oct 2024
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Flow tooltip flickers or appears at different position

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Article summary


Tooltips of a Flow appear at random places and not on the selected element, or they don't display correctly, or flicker.

Probable Causes

Issues with flow tooltips are usually because of the following:

  • The element may not have been selected correctly when the Flow was created.
  • There could have been a change in the application code that may have changed the selected element that the tooltip was to display on.
  • The Flow step requires Display Rules for the tooltip to detect the element properly.

Suggested Solution

Try editing the Flow and select the correct element again. This should resolve the issue.

Use the following steps to reselect an element:

  1. On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, click Content.

  2. Click Flows.

  3. Hover your cursor over the required Flow, and then click the Edit icon.

  4. Click Launch live edit.

  1. On the application, go to the step in which you want to reselect the element.

  2. Click Edit step.

  3. On Whatfix Studio, click Reselect element.

  4. Reselect the element on the application.

  5. In the ADVANCED OPTIONS tab, set the Display Rules for the Flow step.

  1. Click Save.

  2. Finish creating the Flow and click Save Flow.

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If the issue persists, contact

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