Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the MV3 impact on Whatfix
  • 26 Apr 2024
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the MV3 impact on Whatfix

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lowbAs per the latest updates to Manifest V3 (MV3), you cannot use the Preview mode to preview Advanced Customization (AC) code changes on Whatfix Studio.

Here are some FAQs about the MV3 impact on Whatfix.

What is the latest update to MV3?

As per the latest updates to MV3, the injection of remote code will no longer be allowed. This means any custom code that is configured for additional capabilities in Advanced Customization (AC) can't be previewed using Whatfix Studio's Preview mode.

How does the MV3 update impact Whatfix content creators?

Capabilities added using Advanced Customization (AC) code cannot be previewed by content creators using the Preview mode. However, all other Whatfix content can be previewed as usual.

Will there be any impact on end users who see Whatfix content?

End users will not be impacted by this change.

What happens to accounts that don't have any AC code?

Accounts that don't have any AC code will not be impacted by this update.

Will there be any impact on your content creation experience?

There will be no impact on your content creation experience.

What are the timelines of the MV3 updates on Whatfix?

While Google is enforcing MV3 guidelines beginning June 2024, Whatfix will release its MV3-compliant Studio extension by May 15, 2024. Consequently, Whatfix will not be supporting Advanced Customization's Code Editor for new accounts created after May 15, 2024.

What will happen to the Code Editor in Advanced Customization after the MV3 update?

Whatfix will not support the Code Editor for all new Whatfix accounts created after May 15, 2024.

For existing accounts that still have AC code, the Code Editor will remain in such accounts. However, the AC code changes cannot be previewed using the Preview mode, as mentioned above.

How can you mitigate the impact of MV3?

As the MV3 update will not enable you to preview AC code changes, Whatfix is actively developing self-serve features that will provide you with out-of-the-box capabilities that do not require any code to be added to AC. If you're using AC code to achieve certain out-of-the-box capabilities, shift to the available product features by May 15, 2024.

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If any of your use cases can't be migrated by May 15, 2024, you can use Whatfix's Developer extension to preview any AC code changes.

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  • For more information on how to get the Developer extension, contact
  • From May 15, 2024, you can use Whatfix Studio to install the Developer extension. This needs to be done only once, after which the Developer extension is updated automatically.

What are the latest self serve features provided by Whatfix that no longer require AC code?

The following are the latest self serve features provided by Whatfix:

How can I use Whatfix’s Developer extension?

You have to install Whatfix’s Developer extension to preview AC code changes. Installing Whatfix's Developer extension requires you to enable the Developer mode in your browser. If this is not possible, contact your IT team for assistance.

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For more information on installing Developer extension, see How to install the Whatfix Developer extension in Google Chrome?

What happens if you cannot enable Developer mode to use Whatfix’s Developer extension?

If you don’t have permissions to enable Developer mode in your browser, contact your IT team for assistance.

How can I get the Developer extension?

Contact to get the Developer extension.

Will I be able to mass deploy developer extensions to certain sets of users?

No, you cannot mass deploy the Developer extension to certain sets of users. This capability will be supported in the future.

What can I do about features that are not self serviceable yet, and require AC code to achieve after the MV3 update?

  • Any feature gaps can be communicated to Whatfix representative.
  • For existing ENTs that still have AC code, the Code Editor in AC will remain. The code changes can be previewed using the Developer Extension.
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    Whatfix does not recommend adding any new code to AC for any new features.

  • The code editor will not be available for new ENTs created after May 15, 2024.

Do I need to update or re-install the Whatfix extension after the MV3 update?

The extension ID of existing extensions is not changed after the MV3 update. This means that if you use any Group policy to force install the Whatfix extension, you don't need to modify your group policies after the MV3 update.

Will there be an impact on the end user after the MV3 update?

End users are not impacted by this change, as the AC code will be bundled within the Whatfix production extension or JS embed.

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