Whatfix Mirror Glossary
  • 01 Aug 2024
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Whatfix Mirror Glossary

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Term Description
Analytics Analytics shows you how your Whatfix content is performing. It also gives you additional insights into the status of your content, including troubleshooting information for failure rates on any specific Flow.


Term Description
Content Whatfix content is content that is created on the Whatfix Dashboard and displayed to end users using widgets.
Content deployment The Content deployment section on the Whatfix Guidance dashboard enables you to publish Whatfix content to end users. This includes Map Stages or Manage Extensions based on the chosen deployment method.


Term Description
DAP A Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) enables an efficient digital transformation journey by improving the adoption of enterprise applications. DAPs are deployed as an overlay on the application that allows the creation of in-app interactive and contextual Flows. This enables users to go through the software with ease, thus reducing the need for repeated training.
Dashboards Dashboards are a Product Analytics reporting feature that enables you to visualize your insights. They provide information at a glance that enables you to make data-driven decisions. For more information on how you can visualize your insights, see Dashboards.


Term Description
Editor (role) The Editor role is used to create content on Whatfix and has the fewest permissions. Users with the editor role can only create or edit their own content. There are 3 other roles on the platform. To know more about each role and its permissions, see Whatfix User Roles.
Events Events are triggered when your end users perform any action on the Whatfix content or widgets in the application.
Event Breakdown

Event Breakdown enables you to modify the various properties of the Events. For more information, see Filter events using Event Filters and Breakdown in Trend insights for EI.

Event Filters

Event Filters enable you to drill down Events based on different criteria. For more information, see Filter events using Event Filters and Breakdown in Trend insights for EI.

Event grouping Event grouping enables you to group two or more Default or Custom events into a single grouped event to analyze diverse metrics. For more information, see Group Default and Custom events.
Event Trigger Location Event Trigger Location enables you to select the location from where a Flow is played.
Export option (or Self Hosted model) of Deployment In the option, content is created using the Whatfix platform, exported as a package, and self-hosted by your organization on its own internal server.
Extensions Extensions are browser plugins that add additional capability to your web browser and can be used to customize your browsing experience. There are two Whatfix extensions:
  • Use the Studio extension to create content.
  • Use the Content Delivery extension (deployed to application end users) when you cannot embed the JavaScript in your application to enable content delivery. Use the content delivery extension only for certain deployments based on the nature of the software application.


Term Description
Feature Onboarding Feature Onboarding is a Pop-up template that enables you to guide users and help them adopt a new feature of your application or product.
Flow Flows are a sequence of step-by-step instructions that users are led through in their application to complete a task.
Funnels Funnels are a series of sequential events that enable you to analyze and understand how your end users perform an application process.


Term Description
Go Live Go live is the time at which Whatfix content and widgets become available for customer end-users.
Guidance analytics Guidance analytics enables you to understand end-user engagement with Whatfix content and widgets.


Term Description


A Learning Management System (LMS) is a software that is designed specifically to create, distribute, and manage the delivery of educational content. You can use LMSs to train your employees, onboard new hires, retain employee knowledge, and train partners & customers remotely. An LMS enables you to:

Create: Build online lessons (or eLearning content, as it’s referred to in the industry). You can take individual lessons and turn them into courses.

Deliver: Assign, offer, or sell these courses to employees, partners, customers, or a wider audience.

Monitor: Enroll and manage your training audience. You can also track and assess their performance.


Term Description
Multi-Format Output This output enables Whatfix content to be rendered in various formats, including PDFs, videos, slideshows, and articles.
Mirror Whatfix Mirror is an application simulation software that provides an immersive and interactive simulation of any web application.
Mirror workflow Mirror workflow is the process plan for which you want to create the Mirror.
Mirror screen A Mirror Screen is a replica of a single UI element which represents an interactive element in the web application.
Mirror folder A Mirror folder is a container that groups all the screens that are captured in the mirroring process.
Mirror main page The Mirror main page is the central location where you can access and manage all your created Mirror projects or folders.
Mirror link A Mirror link redirect users to different Mirror pages. Links are automatically created between Mirror screens while they are being captured. Mirror also enables you to manually link Mirror screens.
Mirrored application A mirrored application is the simulation of the web application created through the mirroring process. The mirrored application is also called as a Mirror of the web application.


Term Description
Page Title

A Page Title is a short description of a webpage that appears at the top of the browser window.

Page View Page View enables you to add the exact URL of a page to understand how many users are visiting the page.
Pop-up A widget that enables you to display notifications to users in your application.
Preview Mode Whatfix enables you to preview Whatfix content and widgets before publishing them using the Preview Mode option on your Whatfix Studio.
Product line switcher The product line switcher enables you to switch between the Whatfix Guidance and Analytics dashboards. For more information, see What has changed on the dashboard?
Push to Production Push to Production is the act of deploying Whatfix content or widgets for the end-users.
Note: This is applicable only to Whatfix customers who use the JavaScript embed deployment.


Term Description
Rich Text Editor The Rich Text Editor feature enables you to format content using multiple options and link multimedia content to them.


Term Description
Salesforce Objects These are Salesforce properties that enable Whatfix to serve relevant content to Salesforce users based on existing Salesforce properties that help identify different users. For more information, see Use Salesforce Objects for Whatfix Content Segmentation.
See Live The See Live feature enables you to preview specific content on your application.
Session User Journey is captured based on sessions. A session usually starts when a user accesses the site and ends when the user leaves or is inactive for more than 30 minutes. After 30 minutes of inactivity, a user is considered to have dropped off.
SSO Single Sign-On (SSO) is an authentication method that enables users to securely authenticate with two different applications and websites by using just one set of login credentials that is common for both. This eliminates the need to remember the login details of two different applications. SSO minimizes the support tickets received by companies regarding forgotten password or account unlock requests by end users.
Step Completion Rule Step Completion Rules in a Flow enables you to define when Whatfix must stop displaying one step and then show the next step of the Flow.


Term Description
Task List The Task List is a widget that gives you the ability to assign a list of topics or tasks that users must complete as part of a training program.
Themes Themes dictate the look and feel of various user interfaces. You can configure a Theme globally across the Whatfix platform.
Total Events Total Events measures the total number of times an event is performed on your product or application.
Trend Insights Trend Insights turns your engagement-related queries like the number of users who have completed Flows, the number of users who have clicked the button on your Pop-up, and more. into actionable insights.


Term Description
Unique Users Unique Users measures the total number of distinct users that performed the event in your product or application.
User Breakdown Using the User Breakdown module, you can utilize the chart to display data based on the various properties. For example, for the Flow completed event with the User filter set as Chrome browser, configuring the Breakdown as City, displays the chart based on all the cities from which the Flow was completed by users using Chrome browser.
User Filter Using the User Filter module, you can limit the scope of the events based on different criteria. For example, for the Flow start event, you can refine the results to show data only for those who fired it from the Chrome browser or from a specific location.
User Journey

User Journey enables you to automatically analyze how an end user navigates through an application using User Actions and enables you to understand the different paths they take to complete a task. For more information, see User Journey.


Term Description
Visibility Rules Visibility Rules determine where and when Whatfix content is displayed on your application.


Term Description
Whatfix Analytics Whatfix Analytics is a Product Analytics platform that enables you to analyze end-user behavior on the application.
Whatfix Cloud Server The Cloud Server was initially used to host all content created on the Whatfix platform. Most customers have transitioned to hosting content on CDN servers to enable a better and faster customer experience.
Whatfix Dashboard The Whatfix Dashboard is where you can perform the following actions:
  • Access all content that has been created by users in your organization.
  • Access and manage content widgets like Self Help, Pop-ups, Smart tips, Beacons, and Task List
  • Manage users
  • Manage tags
  • Access analytics
  • Manage translations
  • Manage Tip or Flow configurations
Whatfix Guidance The Whatfix Guidance is a Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) that provides contextual training, help, and on-screen guidance for employees and end users.
Whatfix Representative A Whatfix representative is your point of contact once you decide to onboard with us. Your Whatfix representative ensures that you achieve your desired goals by using the Whatfix Digital Adoption Platform.
Widget Widgets are overlays that display on top of an application and are used for a range of use cases, including onboarding, training, change management, and support.

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