Add voiceovers to Whatfix videos
  • 28 Feb 2024
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Add voiceovers to Whatfix videos

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Article summary

Whatfix automates adding voiceovers to the Flow videos. You can download auto-generated videos of Flows even if they are not hosted on public hosting sites such as Youtube, Wistia and Vimeo.


Whatfix auto-converts the text in Purpose of this step and Describe the Step action fields to generate the voiceover.

Here's a list of 28 Whatfix supported language voiceovers.

S.No Language Supported Female Voice Support Male Voice Support
1 Arabic Yes No
2 Chinese, Mandarin Yes No
3 Danish Yes Yes
4 Dutch Yes Yes
5 English (Australia) Yes Yes
6 English (UK) Yes Yes
7 English (India) Yes No
8 English (US) Yes Yes
9 French Yes Yes
10 French-Canada Yes No
11 German Yes Yes
12 Hindi Yes No
13 Icelandic Yes Yes
14 Italian Yes Yes
15 Japanese Yes Yes
16 Korean Yes No
17 Norwegian Yes No
18 Polish Yes Yes
19 Portugese - Brazil Yes Yes
20 Portugese - European Yes Yes
21 Romanian Yes No
22 Russian Yes Yes
23 Spanish - Castilian Yes Yes
24 Spanish - Mexican Yes No
25 Spanish Yes Yes
26 Swedish Yes No
27 Turkish Yes No
28 Welsh Yes No

Access voiceovers

Use the following steps to either enable or disable multi-language voiceovers for Flow videos:


Only the Account and Content managers can enable or disable voiceovers.

  1. On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, click Settings.

  1. Click Video Voiceover.

  2. In the Default dropdown, select a default language in which you want the voiceovers to be generated.

  3. Enable or disable the required language voiceovers and choose between male/female voices based on the availability listed in the table.

  • You'll see a warning message next to the language voiceovers that are currently not supported by Whatfix.
  • Multi language voiceovers work only for Flows that have up to date translations.
  • Flows with incomplete translation don't have any voiceovers when downloaded as videos. Such videos with incomplete or no translation when downloaded has No Audio appended to the filename.
  • The default language for voiceovers is English (US). However, you can customize the default language based on your preferred language of communication.
  • Once enabled, audio is added when you do the following actions:
    • download a Flow as a video
    • upload a Flow to your video channel

Add Voiceovers

You can add new languages to the voiceover list by adding new languages for translation. The languages added to Whatfix are auto-populated here. For more information, see Add a new language.

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