Smart Tips Best Practices
  • 28 Aug 2024
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Smart Tips Best Practices

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Article summary

A Smart Tip must always be a part of a Smart Tip collection

A Smart Tip, once created, must always be a part of a Smart Tip collection to get displayed on the page or application. For more information, see Add a Smart Tip to an existing Smart Tip collection.

Create one Smart Tip collection per page

Whatfix displays only one Smart Tip collection per page at a time. To show multiple Smart Tips on the same page, create them as a single collection.

Add Display Rules to individual Smart Tips

Add Display Rules to each Smart Tip within a collection to ensure they appear correctly on your page or application. For more information on Display Rules, see Display Rules for Showing Smart Tips.

Position Tooltips to avoid hiding UI elements

Position Tooltips carefully so they don’t obscure important elements on your page. Improper positioning could lead to a poor user experience.
Do not hide elements.png

Avoid unnecessary Smart Tips

Don’t add Smart Tips for fields that are self-explanatory. Keep Smart Tips focused on areas that truly need clarification.
Unnecessary smart tip1.png

Add videos for better user engagement

Include videos in your Tooltips to engage users, particularly for complex processes or onboarding new users. Add videos using the Rich Text Editor.

For more information, see Add a video to a Smart Tip.

Use contrasting colors to highlight tooltips

Choose contrasting colors to make Tooltips stand out on your website or application. This ensures that Tooltips are visible and effective. For more information on contrast checking, see this contrast checker website that could help you decide.
Contrast color2

Write clear and concise content

Use simple language and keep your descriptions brief in the Tootips. Clear, concise content ensures better user comprehension.
Description simple2

Place images appropriately within Tooltips

Ensure images within Tooltips don’t exceed 270 pixels in width to avoid distortion or the appearance of a scroll bar.
distorted image2

Choose an appropriate theme for the Tooltip

Select a Tooltip theme that matches your website or application’s UI to maintain a cohesive design.

For more information on customizing tooltips, see Smart Tips Customization.

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