Tags as Visibility Rules
  • 07 Mar 2025
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Tags as Visibility Rules

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Article summary

Your title goes here
If you see the following UI, you have the Advanced Visibility Rules enabled for the account. For more information, see Understand Advanced Visibility Rules.
Visibility Rules 2.0 screenshot


Tags as a Visibility Rule enable you to show contextual content on the right page of your application to the right users. You can use Page Tags to identify a page on your application so that relevant Whatfix content can be displayed on the right page. You can also show different content to different users with the use of Role tags.

There are two types of Tags that can be used as a Visibility Rule.

  • Page Tag
  • Role Tag
your title goes here

Tags are available only under Visibility rules for segments.

Types of Tags condition rules

Page Tag

Page tags are used for the visibility of widgets on a specific page in the application. For example, you can use a tag called 'asia-content' to display content specific to the Asia region. For more information, see Create Role or Page based Tags.


Role Tag

Role tags are used to segment content based on the user role that is defined when the system is set up. For example, you can use Role Tags to show different content to an admin, an editor, and a translator. For more information, see Create Role or Page based Tags.

Use Cases

Display Self Help only to users with the Translator role

Consider that you want to show Self Help only to users with the Translator role. You can create a Role tag called 'Translator' and use it to show the widget only to the specified users.

your title goes here

For more information, see Display Content based on User Roles.

  1. On the Whatfix Dashboard, under the Visibility section of the Self Help widget, select the rule as Role Tag and Exists.

  2. Select the Translator role.

Display Smart Tip on all pages except for one

Consider that you want to show a Smart Tip on all pages of your application except for the Help and Support page. You can use a Page tag with the Not Exists condition to display the Smart Tip.

  1. On the Whatfix Dashboard, under the Set Visibility Rules section of the Smart Tip segment, select the rule as Page Tag and Not Exists.

  2. Select the Page tag for the page you don't want to show the Smart Tip on.

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