How can I check if my Flows are uploaded as Youtube videos on the dashboard?
  • 16 Jan 2025
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How can I check if my Flows are uploaded as Youtube videos on the dashboard?

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Article summary

After you authorize Whatfix to access your Youtube channel, the videos are auto-uploaded as soon as the Flow is published. If the video of the Flow is not present on your Youtube channel, use the following steps to check if the video is uploaded:

  1. On the Whatfix Guidance dashboard, click Content.

  2. Click Flows.

  1. Click Production.

  2. Click the Flow.

  3. Click Embed.

  4. Click Video from the dropdown menu.

  5. Select the language of the video from the dropdown.

When you translate a Flow into your preferred language and push the Flow to Production, Whatfix automatically uploads the Flow in that preferred language on your Youtube channel. For more information, see Add a new language for translation.

  • You can view the Flow uploaded as video on your Youtube channel on the right side.

  • In case you see the Uploading Video message on your screen, understand that some videos may take up to 24-48 hours to be available on your Youtube channel depending on the size and number of videos in queue.

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